Archives of Distributed Generation

O Marco Legal da Geração Distribuída foi sancionado

The Distributed Generation Legal Framework was sanctioned

On 01/07, Bill No. 5,829/2019 was enacted, establishing the Legal Framework for Distributed Generation. The Distributed Generation (DG) was standardized for the first time in Brazil in 2012 by ANEEL. In this model, Brazilian consumers can generate their own electricity from renewable sources or qualified cogeneration. You can even supply the surplus to your local distribution network.
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How does shared power generation work?

How does shared power generation work?

Do you know what shared generation is? Normative Resolution No. 482, created by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), published in 2012, created rules for the segment of distributed generation in Brazil. Then, in 2015, through Normative Resolution 687, the standard received some changes that facilitated consumer adherence. It increased the term for using energy credits and resetting the power of the systems.
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