All posts of GNPW

Marcos Antonio Grecco Solar Energy in Brazil

Investing in Solar Energy in Brazil by Marcos Antonio Grecco Marcos Antonio Grecco is the founder of GNPW Group. Since 2005 the Brazilian government provides private companies the opportunity to sell energy in the long term regulated market, where not one, but practically all utility companies take a stake as off-takers in 15 to 30-year power […]
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Overview According our CEO, Mr. Marcos Grecco, Brazil is Latin America’s largest renewable energy market. The country presents one of the greatest commitments to renewable energy, and continued investment is expected in solar, wind, and hydropower capacity growth.   With approximately 76% of its electricity from renewable resources, Brazils energy matrix shows wind and hydropower […]
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Evento de Assinatura do Contrato de Gás para UTE Porto de Sergipe

Nesta quarta-feira (27) a Golar GNPW participou da cerimônia de assinatura do contrato de fornecimento exclusivo de GNL, com a ExxonMobil, para a Usina Termelétrica Porto de Sergipe no Hotel Copacabana Palace. O projeto tem capacidade de geração de 1,5 GW que correspondeu a 78,9% de toda a demanda de energia contratada no Leilão A-5 de […]
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Habilitação dos Projetos GNPW A-5 2016

O Diário Oficial da União (n°70 – Seção 1) publicado nesta quarta-feira (13), divulgou a definição dos montantes de “garantia física de energia das Usinas Termelétricas – UTE´S Despachadas por Mérito Econômico” com relação à participação no Leilão A-5 2016, que vai contratar energia elétrica para ser entregue ao mercado a partir de 2021. Dentro […]
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GNPW Projects Authorized to Bid A-5 2016 Power Auction

This Wednesday (13) the Official Union Journal released the definitions of “physical guarantee” amounts of energy from Thermal Power Plants for the 2016 A-5 Power Auction that will provide energy power to be delivered starting 2021. Within these, three projects developed by GNPW are authorized to bid based on economic merit, which are TPP Amapá […]
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Golar GNPW Brasil and ExxonMobil sign Framework Agreement for LNG Supply

Golar GNPW Brasil Paticipações S.A. (“Golar GNPW”), a joint venture between GNPW Participações S.A. and LNG Power Limited today announced that it has signed a framework agreement with ExxonMobil Titan LNG Ltd for the supply of LNG to the natural gas fired power generation project in the Brazilian state of Sergipe. The agreement stablishes a […]
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Golar GNPW Brasil e Exxon assinam contrato de fornecimento de LNG

A joint venture Golar GNPW Brasil participações S.A. (“Golar GNPW”), formada pelas empresas independentes GNPW Participações S.A. e a inglesa Golar LNG Limited anunciaram hoje um acordo de fornecimento de gás natural com a Exxon Mobil Titan LNG Ltd para a usina de geração no estado de Sergipe. O projeto Porto de Sergipe de aproximadamente […]
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A-5 2016 Auction is rescheduled

The auction first planned for February 5th and rescheduled to March 31st, is once again rescheduled for April 29th. The energy delivery remains in 2016. The new ordinance was published in the Union Official Journal on March 1.   Source: EPE
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Leilão A-5 2016 é remarcado

Leilão que estava inicialmente previsto para 5 de fevereiro e foi adiado para 31 de março, sofreu, mais uma vez, alteração de data para o dia 29 de abril. A entrega de energia continua prevista para 2021 A nova data foi publicada na Portaria MME nº 42/2016, no Diário Oficial da União (DOU).   Fonte: EPE […]
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