Archives of Energy Sector

Estado atual da matriz energética brasileira

Current state of the Brazilian energy matrix

The Brazilian energy market, particularly with regard to renewable energy, represents a field of constant evolution and significant importance. Brazil, recognized for its predominantly renewable energy matrix, has shown a strong and growing commitment to sustainability and energy transition initiatives. This article aims to explore and elucidate the current dynamics, challenges and future perspectives of the renewable energy sector in Brazil.
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Energia Solar e Hidrogênio Verde: Os Motores da Nova Economia Energética Brasileira

Solar Energy and Green Hydrogen: The Engines of the New Brazilian Energy Economy

Brazil's energy sector is transitioning towards electrification and green hydrogen, projected to infuse R$2.2 trillion into the economy by 2050. Lowered solar panel costs and an anticipated demand for additional photovoltaic systems point towards an energy evolution. Despite challenges, with right investments and policies, Brazil could emerge as a global leader in this new energy era.
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Consumo de energia elétrica aumenta no Brasil

Electricity consumption increases in Brazil

With the resumption of activities in the post-pandemic period, there was an increase in electricity consumption in Brazil. Mainly, the beverage, food and service sectors were responsible for the 1.4% increase compared to the same period last year. According to the CCEE survey, in the first half of 2022, the country consumed an average of 66.02 MW of electricity.
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Como é formada a matriz elétrica brasileira?

How is the Brazilian electrical matrix formed?

Initially, it is essential to understand the difference between energy matrix and electrical matrix. The first covers all sources available in a country, state or the world that meet the demand for total energy generation. The second consists only of the set of sources available to generate electricity, whether for homes, industries or other institutions.
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