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Regulação de carbono: o que podemos esperar?

Carbon regulation: what can we expect?

In May 2022, Brazil took the first steps towards regulating the carbon market with the enactment of decree nº 11.075/2022. Despite leaving several gaps on this subject, the text laid the foundations for regulating the national carbon market, which has been expected for 13 years since the creation of the law that established the National Policy on Climate Change.
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Consumo de energia elétrica aumenta no Brasil

Electricity consumption increases in Brazil

With the resumption of activities in the post-pandemic period, there was an increase in electricity consumption in Brazil. Mainly, the beverage, food and service sectors were responsible for the 1.4% increase compared to the same period last year. According to the CCEE survey, in the first half of 2022, the country consumed an average of 66.02 MW of electricity.
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Geração Distribuída cresce no mercado das distribuidoras

Distributed Generation grows in the distributor market

In the last ten years, distributed generation has developed in Brazil, including in the distributor market. Since 2012, with ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 482/2012, Brazilian consumers can generate their own electricity from renewable sources or qualified cogeneration, and can also supply the surplus generated to the distribution network.
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Como é formada a matriz elétrica brasileira?

How is the Brazilian electrical matrix formed?

Initially, it is essential to understand the difference between energy matrix and electrical matrix. The first covers all sources available in a country, state or the world that meet the demand for total energy generation. The second consists only of the set of sources available to generate electricity, whether for homes, industries or other institutions.
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Energia renovável: o que você precisa saber?

Renewable energy: what do you need to know?

The discourse on the use of renewable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels has gained strength in recent times, mainly due to the climate crisis. In addition, non-renewable energy sources, such as oil and its derivatives, are finite resources that took millions of years to become available.
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É possível zerar as emissões de CO2?

Is it possible to go to zero CO2 emissions?

In addition to reducing emissions, other actions, such as investments in renewable energy and capture and removal, need to take place to bring levels to zero. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the next three years will be decisive for achieving zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.
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