Do you know what reserve energy is?

O que é energia de reserva

Do you know the term reserve energy? Do you know why it was created? To better understand the subject, read the content on the blog.

Law 10.848/04 created reserve energy with the objective of ensuring the security of energy supply throughout the National Interconnected System – SIN. In 2008, the Reserve Energy Charge was regulated by creating a specific tax to cover the costs arising from the contracting of this type of energy, as provided in the Normative Resolution of November 11, 2008.

The reserve energy was created in order to complement the quantity contracted in the regulated environment (ACR). The sources are complementary to the hydraulic regime, being used largely when water is scarce. Thus, the plants contracted to generate reserve energy operate on the basis of SIN generation, contributing to always have an idle capacity that can be used in case of increased demand. Understand better by reading the content to the end.

What is backup energy?

Since 2008, the Brazilian electric sector model has had reserve energy. The person responsible for entering into contracts and the institution that collects this charge is the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE). She who represents the consumer agents and is responsible for centralizing the contractual relationship between the parties.

In this way, the reserve energy charge (ERR) is paid by all consumers, whether free or regulated consumer and deposited in the account designated for this costing, called the Reserve Energy Account (Coner).

Another source of revenue collection for Coner comes from the penalties applied to reserve plants that do not go into operation on the scheduled date or due to the verification of unavailability of generation. This unavailability is verified annually and if the generator is unable to meet the agreement, it must reimburse Coner.

The amount of energy to be contracted and the sources are defined by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) based on studies by the Energy Research Company (EPE). Any source can be contracted, but so far contracts have been made with wind power plants, small hydroelectric plants, solar plants, biomass energy and nuclear power plant in Angra 3.

How is this type of energy contracted?

The conclusion of this type of contract is as follows: reserve energy contracts (CER) are formalized between the selling agents in the auctions and the CCEE. All such energy is settled on the short-term market. Thus, the plant receives the amount that won in the auction. In other words, the sellers are the power generation enterprises and the buyers are the distributors, the free and special consumers and the self-producers.

The Reserve Energy Charge (ERR) is intended to cover the costs arising from this contract. They can be administrative, tax and financial costs, which are prorated among all end users of electricity in the National Interconnected System. The division is carried out based on the energy consumption of each paid user in the last 12 months. Thus, the charge is made according to the amount of consumption.

Therefore, we can conclude that the reserve energy was created to bring energy security and guarantee the supply of electricity in the country. If you liked this topic, how about understanding better about the electricity sector in the country? Access the content on the blog and learn more.


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