Archives of Electricity Sector

Consumo de energia elétrica aumenta no Brasil

Electricity consumption increases in Brazil

With the resumption of activities in the post-pandemic period, there was an increase in electricity consumption in Brazil. Mainly, the beverage, food and service sectors were responsible for the 1.4% increase compared to the same period last year. According to the CCEE survey, in the first half of 2022, the country consumed an average of 66.02 MW of electricity.
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Como é formada a matriz elétrica brasileira?

How is the Brazilian electrical matrix formed?

Initially, it is essential to understand the difference between energy matrix and electrical matrix. The first covers all sources available in a country, state or the world that meet the demand for total energy generation. The second consists only of the set of sources available to generate electricity, whether for homes, industries or other institutions.
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A importância da transição energética na segurança do setor de energia

The importance of the energy transition in the security of the energy sector

Since the beginning of Russia's attacks on Ukraine in February 2022, the energy issue has been on the agenda, showing the urgency of accelerating the global energy transition, especially in the case of European countries. With the sanctions imposed on Russia, there was a shortage of Russian oil and gas, bringing global consequences from an economic point of view. In other words, the increase in the price of gasoline and its derivatives, regardless of whether the fuel is of Russian origin or not, has had an impact on the value of all products transported by road.
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Crise energética e o futuro da mobilidade elétrica

Energy crisis and the future of electric mobility

How is the energy crisis impacting mobility? Traditionally, the main means of transport, such as cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks and aircraft, use fossil fuels for their operation. However, with the need for the energy transition to maintain the environment and the crises that have been occurring not only in Brazil, there is a need to think about the future of mobility and electric vehicles emerge as the solution.
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O Brasil e a emissão dos gases do efeito estufa

Brazil and the emission of greenhouse gases

Unfortunately, Brazil has not had a good position in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. While other countries had a reduction of almost 7% with the effects of the pandemic, our country increased this rate by 9.5%. Of the five sectors of the economy that account for the totality of emissions in the country: three increased (agriculture, waste and land use change), one remained stable (industrial processes) and one declined (energy).
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