Archives of Sustainability

Energia solar atinge 22 GW no Brasil

Solar energy reaches 22 GW in Brazil

In recent years, solar energy has seen exceptional growth in Brazil. For this to happen, several factors were important to build this scenario. First, the recurrent increases in energy costs for the final consumer made people migrate to cheaper alternatives.
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Panorama da energia solar no brasil

An overview of solar energy in Brazil

The growth in demand for solar energy in Brazil reflects the trend observed worldwide in the search for alternatives to fossil fuels. In addition to several warnings issued by specialists around the increase in global warming caused by greenhouse gases, the war between Russia and Ukraine highlighted the urgency of the need for countries, especially European countries, to invest in other sources of energy to avoid dependence on the Russian gas.
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Como desenvolver o mercado regulado de carbono do Brasil?

How to develop Brazil’s regulated carbon market?

The debate on climate change has stimulated several countries to seek measures to stop this advance and, in Brazil, it was no different. Therefore, the regulated carbon market was created in the country with the intention of developing initiatives to mitigate emissions.
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É possível zerar as emissões de CO2?

Is it possible to go to zero CO2 emissions?

In addition to reducing emissions, other actions, such as investments in renewable energy and capture and removal, need to take place to bring levels to zero. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the next three years will be decisive for achieving zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.
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Brasil e as emissões de títulos verdes

Brazil and the issuance of green bonds

Green bonds or green bonds are financial instruments that help compose climate finance with the aim of mitigating the damage caused to the environment due to the use of fossil fuels, deforestation and other anthropic actions.
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Energia eólica: Brasil atinge a sexta posição no ranking!

Wind energy: Brazil reaches the sixth position in the ranking!

The country set a record for expanding installed wind power capacity in 2021, according to federal government data. The source already represents 11% of the Brazilian energy matrix, constituting about 20 GW of installed power. With the increase, Brazil took the sixth position in the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) ranking of total installed capacity of onshore wind energy, in 2021.
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