Archives of Sustainability

A Transição Energética: O Caminho para um Futuro Sustentável

Energy Transition: The Path to a Sustainable and Clean Future

Energy transition is one of the most pressing discussions on the global agenda due to growing climate concerns. This process involves shifting from fossil fuel-based energy sources, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, to renewable sources, including solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass, aiming for a cleaner and more sustainable energy matrix.
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Brasil alcança recorde na redução de carbono com energia limpa em uma década

Brazil achieves record carbon reduction with clean energy in a decade

In the Brazilian energy scenario, the year 2023 marked a historic turning point, characterized by the lowest rate of carbon emissions in electrical generation in the last eleven years. This achievement not only highlights Brazil's commitment to global environmental goals, but also highlights the growing influence of renewable sources in the national energy matrix. Driven by a diversified generation model, the country managed to reach a surprising rate, where 93% of the electricity generated comes from renewable sources, including hydroelectric, wind, solar and biomass.
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Mercado de energia no Brasil em 2023

Energy market in Brazil in 2023

The energy market in Brazil has undergone a remarkable evolution in 2023, driven by a mix of favorable government policies, technological advances and a growing interest in clean and renewable energy sources.
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Brasil no G20: liderando a revolução verde global

Brazil at the G20: leading the global green revolution

Brazil assumed the rotating Presidency of the group of the 20 largest economies in the world in December 2023, with the main objective of highlighting the transition to sustainable energy sources, promoting reforms in the global governance model and intensifying efforts in the fight against inequality and hunger.
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Energias renováveis e o futuro sustentável: o compromisso do Brasil na COP 28

Renewable energies and the sustainable future: Brazil’s commitment at COP 28

Facing the challenge of climate change, the transition to clean energies, particularly solar power, emerges as a crucial solution. Solar energy, boosted by technological advancements and cost reductions, offers a sustainable alternative to reduce carbon emissions. Brazil, with its vast natural resource potential, takes a leading role at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28).
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