Archives of Electricity Sector

Panorama of clean energy generation in Brazil!

Panorama of clean energy generation in Brazil!

Do you know how clean energy is generated in Brazil? First, it is important to define the concept. Clean energy is all renewable energy that does not emit polluting substances in its production or use. In this case, clean energy is considered: solar, wind, geothermal, hydraulic, biomass and tidal energy.
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Energy Market Outlook for 2021

What are the prospects for the energy market for 2021?

The pandemic that struck the world in 2020 imposed severe restrictions to contain the increase in infection caused by the coronavirus and had a significant impact on the energy market. With the lockdown in several countries, fuel sales decreased, as did consumption, which caused factories and industries to decrease production. In Brazil, industrial production decreased 18% in April 2020.
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O que é energia de reserva

Do you know what reserve energy is?

The reserve energy was created in order to complement the quantity contracted in the regulated environment (ACR). The sources are complementary to the hydraulic regime, being used largely when water is scarce. Thus, the plants contracted to generate reserve energy operate on the basis of SIN generation, contributing to always have an idle capacity that can be used in case of increased demand. Understand better by reading the content to the end.
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Qual o futuro das usinas nucleares?

What is the future of nuclear power plants?

In Brazil, there are only two nuclear power plants, Angra 1 and Angra 2, which are responsible for producing 3% of the energy consumed in the country. Angra 3 is still under construction and has more than 60% of the work done, but at the moment the work is at a standstill.
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How can Brazil prevent further blackouts?

Those who analyze the Brazilian energy market today, do not imagine that in the recent past, blackouts were part of the routine of Brazilians. Although today the scenario is very different from that of 2001, some regions of the country still suffer from poor management of the energy sector, as happened recently in Amapá.
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Consumo de energia elétrica: como reduzir?

Electricity consumption: how to reduce?

How to reduce electricity consumption? According to a survey conducted by Sebrae, costs such as electricity within a company can be up to 20%. The value is high and shows how important it is to find alternatives that reduce consumption and, consequently, expenses.
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