Archives of Biogas

Marco legal do hidrogênio verde. Uma nova era para a energia sustentável no Brasil

Green hydrogen legal framework. A new era for sustainable energy in Brazil

Green hydrogen, considered the “fuel of the future”, is at the center of discussions about the global energy transition. Produced through renewable sources, such as wind and solar energy, it does not emit carbon, being an alternative to fossil fuels. Its versatility makes it a valuable input for industries such as fertilizers, cement and petrochemicals, as well as being a potential fuel for maritime and air transport.
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A transição energética: substituindo o diesel por energias renováveis

The energy transition: replacing diesel with renewable energy

In the current context, replacing diesel with renewable energy sources is an urgent need and an opportunity to mitigate the effects of climate change. Diesel, a fossil fuel, is a major emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs), contributing significantly to global warming. The transition to renewable energy is, therefore, a strategic action to reduce GHG emissions and move towards a more sustainable and ecological economy.
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Ações para um futuro sustentável e livre de carbono

Actions for a sustainable and carbon-free future

The GNPW Group is investing in clean and renewable energy through solar plants and biogas projects, aiming to combat climate change and bring socio-economic benefits. However, to accelerate climate action, more investment is needed. We all need to play our part in this fight.
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Mudanças Climáticas e a Importância da Energia Limpa: Uma Revolução Verde em Marcha

Climate change and the importance of clean energy: a green revolution under way

The present time confronts us with a raw and undeniable reality: the urgency of dealing with climate change. Recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicate an acceleration of the effects of climate change, demanding more direct and effective measures from us. At the same time, we are witnessing an explosion of innovations in the renewable energy sector, with a growing awareness of the need for a transition to clean energy sources. Studies from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) show that renewable energy has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 70% by 2050.
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Transição Energética para a Sustentabilidade: A Era do Biogás e da Energia Solar

Energy Transition to Sustainability: The Age of Biogas and Solar Energy

The world is in the midst of an essential energy transition to ensure a more sustainable future. The search for renewable energy sources such as biogas and solar energy has been a powerful response to sustainability issues. These energy sources have the potential to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy security.
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PDE 2032: oportunidades e apostas

PDE 2032: opportunities and bets

The PDE 2032 brings important perspectives for the Brazilian energy sector, forecasting a 50% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030. The expansion of renewable sources and the electrification of road transport are some of the main mitigation strategies. Let's build a more sustainable future together!
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Um ano do Marco Legal da Geração Distribuída

One year of the Distributed Generation Legal Framework: what has changed?

The Legal Framework for Distributed Generation, instituted by Law No. 14,300 of 2022, completed one year of validity on January 6, 2023. Through the regulation of distributed generation, which has become an important source of renewable energy, its objective main objective was to encourage the development of projects of this type in the country. The new rule determines that those who manufacture their own energy will pay the distribution tariff, which does not happen today when they use grid energy.
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