How do disruptive technologies help sustainability?

Como as tecnologias disruptivas ajudam na sustentabilidade?

Disruptive technologies, in addition to playing an important role in innovation, also help with sustainability. Read the content and understand this relationship.

Disruptive technologies, also called tech trends, are the tools that will help in the energy transition and enable the achievement of various global goals. Many companies, although not obligated, have already established public pacts to become zero carbon by 2050 and are implementing other ESG actions.

Organizations have realized that without this change, investors and consumers will abandon brands for other organizations that are more committed to the environment. More than 50% of global CEOs are concerned about innovation within companies. Therefore, with a favorable political context and a promising technological aspect, it is possible to develop these technologies.

In fact, there is already a lot of technology being used to promote sustainability, however, for major changes to occur, it is necessary to advance even more in innovation.

Fortunately, Brazil acts as one of the main protagonists of this energy revolution, after all we have a very clean and renewable matrix, compared to the rest of the world. In this context, it is essential that technologies applied in the country and in the world have sustainable goals as a basis for development.

What are disruptive technologies?

Currently, for companies to develop, it is essential to abandon old habits and go in search of something new. Thus, as the name suggests, disruptive technologies are those that completely change the market in which they are inserted.

First, it is worth saying that not all innovation is disruptive. Many of them are incremental innovations, which really help to develop some markets, but which don’t transform it. Thus, disruptive technologies are those that revolutionize, bringing a new solution, such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence or augmented reality.

In the energy market, the most anticipated technology is the one that will solve the energy storage issue once and for all. In the past, this was solved with large reservoirs, but now a viable daily or weekly storage is needed for generations of models other than hydroelectric plants.

Technological innovations and sustainability

Brazil has a clean and renewable matrix, but there is still a deficit in energy infrastructure. In this sense, disruptive technologies help in this type of economic development, helping processes become more efficient and spending less, without giving up on sustainable practices.

Thus, for the next few years, green hydrogen, electric mobility, storage, thermosolar (storage) technologies should completely change the way the energy market operates. Associated with this, artificial intelligence and the internet of things will add a large volume of data needed to bring information in real time and in a more inclusive way.

In practice, it will be possible for energy generating companies, for example, to visualize exactly where they lose energy, improve production efficiency and carry out other data-based decision-making.

In the transport and fuel market, the highlight goes to electric cars, which will help in the decarbonization of this sector, which is one of the biggest responsible for emissions in the world. In Brazil, it is responsible for 13.8% of GHG emissions. Furthermore, the distributed generation model will also be impacted by disruptive technologies. With this model developing in Brazil, the government manages not only to achieve global goals but also to generate employment and income, stimulating the economy.

With GD, more efficient and renewable models are gaining ground, such as solar energy that has grown exponentially over the last 10 years and energy generated from solid waste and biogas.

Thus, we can conclude that technological innovations are being used in the energy market, directly contributing to the development of new energy sources and more sustainable models. Following this change, companies are investing and subsidizing research and technology to achieve their internal goals.

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