Archives of Solar Energy

Avanços em Energia Renovável Garantem ao Brasil a Menor Emissão Per Capita de Carbono do G20

Advances in renewable energy guarantee Brazil the lowest per capita carbon emissions in the G20

In recent years, Brazil has consolidated its position as a global leader in the use of renewable energy, especially wind and solar power. According to recent data, in 2023, 89% of Brazilian electricity came from renewable sources, a rate three times higher than the global average of 30%. This significant advancement highlights the country's commitment to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions.
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Mercado de energia no Brasil em 2023

Energy market in Brazil in 2023

The energy market in Brazil has undergone a remarkable evolution in 2023, driven by a mix of favorable government policies, technological advances and a growing interest in clean and renewable energy sources.
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Marco legal do hidrogênio verde. Uma nova era para a energia sustentável no Brasil

Green hydrogen legal framework. A new era for sustainable energy in Brazil

Green hydrogen, considered the “fuel of the future”, is at the center of discussions about the global energy transition. Produced through renewable sources, such as wind and solar energy, it does not emit carbon, being an alternative to fossil fuels. Its versatility makes it a valuable input for industries such as fertilizers, cement and petrochemicals, as well as being a potential fuel for maritime and air transport.
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