Archives of Solar Energy

Transição Energética para a Sustentabilidade: A Era do Biogás e da Energia Solar

Energy Transition to Sustainability: The Age of Biogas and Solar Energy

The world is in the midst of an essential energy transition to ensure a more sustainable future. The search for renewable energy sources such as biogas and solar energy has been a powerful response to sustainability issues. These energy sources have the potential to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy security.
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Estudo revela aumento da adoção de energia solar e eólica no Brasil e declínio na utilização de combustíveis fósseis.

Brazilian Energy Transition: increase in solar and wind energy generation and reduction in the use of fossil fuels

A recent study points out that Brazil has made significant progress in adopting solar and wind energy, reducing the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation. The survey reveals that renewable energies represent 12% and 3% of the country's energy matrix, contributing to a drop in CO2 emissions in the sector. With the energy transition in full swing, Brazil is leading the way towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.
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como a energia solar é fundamental para enfrentar as mudanças climáticas e garantir um futuro mais sustentável.

Decarbonization: Towards a Solar Future

Decarbonization and energy transition are essential to tackle climate change. Solar energy is one of the main alternatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and it is crucial to invest in public policies and incentives to accelerate this change.
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Transição Energética e a Ascensão da Energia Solar: Um Passo Crucial rumo à Sustentabilidade

Energy Transition and the Rise of Solar Power: A Crucial Step Towards Sustainability

The energy transition is critical for global sustainability and sustainable development. Solar power is a promising and accessible renewable source that plays a vital role in this process. The growing adoption of solar energy brings significant environmental, socioeconomic, and technological benefits, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating jobs, ensuring energy security, and driving innovation.
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GNPW está contribuindo significativamente para a transição energética

The importance of the Energy Transition

Energy transition is crucial to achieving a more sustainable future, as it seeks to change the energy matrix to renewable sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and ensuring the country's energy security. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy transition is one of the main measures to combat climate change and ensure a more sustainable future.
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Energia solar se torna a segunda maior fonte de energia do país

Solar energy becomes the second largest source of energy in the country

Solar energy in Brazil has evolved in an unimaginable way in recent years, with great adoption in the last decade. In early 2023, the source surpassed wind energy, which has 23.8 GW of installed capacity, becoming the second source of renewable energy for the country, reaching almost 24 GW, according to the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (Absolar).
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Energia solar atinge 22 GW no Brasil

Solar energy reaches 22 GW in Brazil

In recent years, solar energy has seen exceptional growth in Brazil. For this to happen, several factors were important to build this scenario. First, the recurrent increases in energy costs for the final consumer made people migrate to cheaper alternatives.
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Panorama da energia solar no brasil

An overview of solar energy in Brazil

The growth in demand for solar energy in Brazil reflects the trend observed worldwide in the search for alternatives to fossil fuels. In addition to several warnings issued by specialists around the increase in global warming caused by greenhouse gases, the war between Russia and Ukraine highlighted the urgency of the need for countries, especially European countries, to invest in other sources of energy to avoid dependence on the Russian gas.
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