Archives of Clean Energy

Brasil no G20: liderando a revolução verde global

Brazil at the G20: leading the global green revolution

Brazil assumed the rotating Presidency of the group of the 20 largest economies in the world in December 2023, with the main objective of highlighting the transition to sustainable energy sources, promoting reforms in the global governance model and intensifying efforts in the fight against inequality and hunger.
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A transição energética: substituindo o diesel por energias renováveis

The energy transition: replacing diesel with renewable energy

In the current context, replacing diesel with renewable energy sources is an urgent need and an opportunity to mitigate the effects of climate change. Diesel, a fossil fuel, is a major emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs), contributing significantly to global warming. The transition to renewable energy is, therefore, a strategic action to reduce GHG emissions and move towards a more sustainable and ecological economy.
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Energia Limpa e Responsabilidade Corporativa: Moldando o Futuro da Energia no Brasil

Clean Energy and Corporate Responsibility: Shaping the Future of Energy in Brazil

In a world increasingly aware of climate change and the environmental impacts of human activities, the transition to clean and sustainable energy has become a global priority. Institutions such as the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have emphasized the need for a swift and comprehensive energy transition to mitigate the effects of climate change and promote sustainable development.
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A Transição Energética e a Importância do Escopo 3 para a Descarbonização Industrial

The energy transition and the importance of Scope 3 for industrial decarbonization

The article "The Energy Transition and the Importance of Scope 3 for Industrial Decarbonization" addresses the process of change in the global energy landscape, in which companies, particularly carbon-intensive ones, seek to reduce their ecological footprint. These companies are aligning themselves with demands from investors and regulators by adopting cleaner and renewable energy sources.
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Mudanças Climáticas e a Importância da Energia Limpa: Uma Revolução Verde em Marcha

Climate change and the importance of clean energy: a green revolution under way

The present time confronts us with a raw and undeniable reality: the urgency of dealing with climate change. Recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicate an acceleration of the effects of climate change, demanding more direct and effective measures from us. At the same time, we are witnessing an explosion of innovations in the renewable energy sector, with a growing awareness of the need for a transition to clean energy sources. Studies from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) show that renewable energy has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 70% by 2050.
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