Archives of Solar Energy

emissões de gases de efeito estufa

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2025, managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has become essential for companies committed to sustainability. The GHG Protocol categorizes these emissions into three scopes, enabling a detailed analysis of environmental impact.
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COP29: A Urgência de Triplicar a Capacidade de Energias Renováveis até 2030 para Limitar o Aquecimento Global

COP29: The urgency to triple renewable energy capacity by 2030 to limit global warming

COP29 will be a decisive event in the fight against climate change, focusing on the expansion of renewable energy and the need to triple its capacity by 2030. The conference will discuss the central role of renewables in reducing CO₂ emissions, the financial challenges faced by countries and the advancement of mechanisms such as the carbon market. At the same time, adapting to climate change will be a priority, ensuring that the most vulnerable countries receive adequate technical and financial support.
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Demanda por Eletricidade no Brasil Deve Crescer 3,4% ao Ano até 2034, com Picos de Carga e Autoprodução em Ascensão

Projected annual growth of 3.4% for electricity demand in Brazil

In recent years, Brazil has faced significant challenges and opportunities in the electricity sector, driven by a growing demand for energy. The country's electricity matrix, known for its predominance of renewable sources, is constantly evolving to meet the increasing consumption of electricity, which is essential for economic and social growth.
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Avanços em Energia Renovável Garantem ao Brasil a Menor Emissão Per Capita de Carbono do G20

Advances in renewable energy guarantee Brazil the lowest per capita carbon emissions in the G20

In recent years, Brazil has consolidated its position as a global leader in the use of renewable energy, especially wind and solar power. According to recent data, in 2023, 89% of Brazilian electricity came from renewable sources, a rate three times higher than the global average of 30%. This significant advancement highlights the country's commitment to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions.
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