Archives of Distributed Generation

Demanda por Eletricidade no Brasil Deve Crescer 3,4% ao Ano até 2034, com Picos de Carga e Autoprodução em Ascensão

Projected annual growth of 3.4% for electricity demand in Brazil

In recent years, Brazil has faced significant challenges and opportunities in the electricity sector, driven by a growing demand for energy. The country's electricity matrix, known for its predominance of renewable sources, is constantly evolving to meet the increasing consumption of electricity, which is essential for economic and social growth.
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Um ano do Marco Legal da Geração Distribuída

One year of the Distributed Generation Legal Framework: what has changed?

The Legal Framework for Distributed Generation, instituted by Law No. 14,300 of 2022, completed one year of validity on January 6, 2023. Through the regulation of distributed generation, which has become an important source of renewable energy, its objective main objective was to encourage the development of projects of this type in the country. The new rule determines that those who manufacture their own energy will pay the distribution tariff, which does not happen today when they use grid energy.
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Energia solar atinge 22 GW no Brasil

Solar energy reaches 22 GW in Brazil

In recent years, solar energy has seen exceptional growth in Brazil. For this to happen, several factors were important to build this scenario. First, the recurrent increases in energy costs for the final consumer made people migrate to cheaper alternatives.
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Geração Distribuída cresce no mercado das distribuidoras

Distributed Generation grows in the distributor market

In the last ten years, distributed generation has developed in Brazil, including in the distributor market. Since 2012, with ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 482/2012, Brazilian consumers can generate their own electricity from renewable sources or qualified cogeneration, and can also supply the surplus generated to the distribution network.
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É possível zerar as emissões de CO2?

Is it possible to go to zero CO2 emissions?

In addition to reducing emissions, other actions, such as investments in renewable energy and capture and removal, need to take place to bring levels to zero. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the next three years will be decisive for achieving zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.
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