Archives of Energy Transition

Energia renovável a partir do biogás impulsiona a transição energética sustentável no Brasil

Renewable energy from biogas drives the sustainable energy transition in Brazil

Biogas is a source of renewable energy generated from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, such as agricultural waste, animal waste, urban organic waste and industrial effluents. This biological process, carried out by microorganisms, produces a mixture of gases, predominantly methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Biogas can be used to generate electricity, heat or be refined to become biomethane, a direct substitute for fossil natural gas.
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A Transição Energética: O Caminho para um Futuro Sustentável

Energy Transition: The Path to a Sustainable and Clean Future

Energy transition is one of the most pressing discussions on the global agenda due to growing climate concerns. This process involves shifting from fossil fuel-based energy sources, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, to renewable sources, including solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass, aiming for a cleaner and more sustainable energy matrix.
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Lei PONTE e PATEN: fundamentos para a sustentabilidade energética do Brasil

PONTE and PATEN Law: foundations for energy sustainability in Brazil

The path to energy sustainability is paved by innovation and proactive legislation. In Brazil, this path takes on definitive contours with the processing of Bill (PL) No. 327 of 2021, known as the National Energy Transition Policy (PONTE), and the attached PL No. 5,174/2023, which establishes the Energy Acceleration Program Energy Transition (PATEN)
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