Archives of Biomethane

Bioeconomia: Impulsionando o Futuro da Energia Limpa e Sustentável

Bioeconomy: Driving the Future of Clean and Sustainable Energy

The bioeconomy is based on the sustainable use of biological resources to develop products and services that reduce dependence on non-renewable resources. This economic model integrates practices from agriculture, forestry, fishing, and aquaculture with technological advances to create a value chain that respects natural cycles and promotes biodiversity. One of the pillars of the bioeconomy […]
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Brasil alcança recorde na redução de carbono com energia limpa em uma década

Brazil achieves record carbon reduction with clean energy in a decade

In the Brazilian energy scenario, the year 2023 marked a historic turning point, characterized by the lowest rate of carbon emissions in electrical generation in the last eleven years. This achievement not only highlights Brazil's commitment to global environmental goals, but also highlights the growing influence of renewable sources in the national energy matrix. Driven by a diversified generation model, the country managed to reach a surprising rate, where 93% of the electricity generated comes from renewable sources, including hydroelectric, wind, solar and biomass.
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Liderança em biocombustíveis e crescimento de energias renováveis

Leadership in biofuels and growth in renewable energy

In 2023, Brazil reaffirmed its leadership position in renewable energy, especially in the biofuels sector, being a global model of sustainability and innovation. This article explores the country's recent achievements, highlighting its crucial role in the global transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy.
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Estado atual da matriz energética brasileira

Current state of the Brazilian energy matrix

The Brazilian energy market, particularly with regard to renewable energy, represents a field of constant evolution and significant importance. Brazil, recognized for its predominantly renewable energy matrix, has shown a strong and growing commitment to sustainability and energy transition initiatives. This article aims to explore and elucidate the current dynamics, challenges and future perspectives of the renewable energy sector in Brazil.
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Mercado de energia no Brasil em 2023

Energy market in Brazil in 2023

The energy market in Brazil has undergone a remarkable evolution in 2023, driven by a mix of favorable government policies, technological advances and a growing interest in clean and renewable energy sources.
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Marco legal do hidrogênio verde. Uma nova era para a energia sustentável no Brasil

Green hydrogen legal framework. A new era for sustainable energy in Brazil

Green hydrogen, considered the “fuel of the future”, is at the center of discussions about the global energy transition. Produced through renewable sources, such as wind and solar energy, it does not emit carbon, being an alternative to fossil fuels. Its versatility makes it a valuable input for industries such as fertilizers, cement and petrochemicals, as well as being a potential fuel for maritime and air transport.
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